Pics (Jeep mostly)
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This was my first Jeep, Sugar Magnolia. I regret to this day ever having sold her(especially since the numbnuts
dealer that I was going to buy her back from had melted the engine - long story), but now I've got my truck and
my cherokee. Someday I'm going to buy another grand wagoneer though. I love them too much not to have one.

Front end

Side Shot

Just an Idea of what a bobbed Grand Wag would look like...

Bumper Stickers and such

Going off the side of a cliff sucks ass. The PO's wife did this, that's why I got the Jeep for 900 bucks.

I'm tellin ya, it's a shitty pic...

16 years in the southern climate will do this to your engine bay...

The infamous AMC model 20 rear axle. This is a rock solid one piece setup, boys and girls. SJs came stock with a 6 lug, one piece axle, not the weeny 5 lug CJ type.
